
This page shows your full inventory of parts, along with their quantities in each part location.

The smart table displays the following:

  • Name: The name identifying the part, often used as a more generic search term.

  • Number: The number identifying the part.

  • Location: The physical location where the part is stored.

  • Location type: The kind of physical spaces in which parts are stored, like site, vehicle, warehouse.

  • Class: The part's classification or category. For example, kit, equipment, fixture, consumable.

  • Condition: The part's general condition, such as good, faulty, and so on.

  • On hand quantity: The quantity of the part available to use.

  • Reserved quantity: The quantity of the part reserved for a work order.

  • Inbound quantity: The quantity of inbound parts.

  • Outbound quantity: The quantity of outbound parts.

  • Base sale price: The minimum price for selling the part.

Transfer inventory

On the Inventory page you can transfer part locations in bulk.

  1. Select the check boxes for the parts you want to transfer.

  2. Click Transfer at the bottom of the page.

  3. For each part select the From space, the To location and To space, and the Quantity to transfer.

    The To location selection has a long-click option that applies the selected destination location to all the parts you are transferring.

  4. Click Proceed.

  5. Select a Transfer reason.

    You can select any reason of a Inventory transfer reason type.

  6. Click Transfer to complete the part transfer.